Network Rail Drug Testing Policy Updates
Effective Date: 4th March 2024

Key Changes:
- Random testing of ‘safety critical’ staff increased to 20% from the previous 5%.
- Expanded testing panel now includes tramadol and ketamine.
- Introduction of urine point of care tests (POCTs).
Reason for Including Ketamine and Tramadol:
Ketamine and tramadol have the potential to impair safety critical roles. Tramadol is a prescription-only pain medication that can cause drowsiness and cognitive impairment. Ketamine, a powerful anaesthetic, may lead to hallucinations and disorientation. The inclusion of these drugs in the testing panel aligns with industry standards.
Determining Drug Testing Panel of Testing Provider:
Screen4 have a dedicated testing panel to comply with Network Rail Standards.
Implementation of Increased Random Unannounced Testing:
We can assist you with your random testing program implementation however please contact RISQS to get accurate guidance on the timeline for implementing the new policy.
Accuracy of POCTs:
Our POCT test cup is CE Marked and FDA approved and delivers fast, accurate results for qualitative onsite test results that can be relied on.
When there is a non-negative reaction, the sample can be sent to our UKAS accredited laboratory for confirmation analysis using our Chain-of-Custody collection kit (please ask for details).
Types of POCTs Allowed:
Network Rail’s standard specifies the use of urine-based POCTs. Saliva/oral fluid POCTs are not permitted.
Performing POCTs Internally:
To ensure accurate results and prevent potential collusion, it is necessary to have a trained professional administer the POCTs. Therefore, conducting the tests internally is not recommended.
Sentinel Updates:
Sentinel will be updated to allow the input and registration of POCT results, similar to the handling of laboratory tests.
- Negative POCT results can be directly uploaded to Sentinel.
- Non-negative POCT results will require a confirmatory laboratory test before they can be uploaded to Sentinel.
Updating your Drug & Alcohol Policy:
If you have a drug and alcohol policy that applies to Network Rail, it is advised to update it.
We can provide you with a Free of Charge Policy Review. Contact us today to find out more.