Understanding Ketamine and its Effects

12:32 26 January in News

Ketamine, known for its anaesthetic properties, has gained notoriety as a recreational drug. As the use of ketamine continues to rise, it’s essential for organisations like Screen4 Ltd to provide accurate testing and valuable insights. In this blog post, we will explore ketamine, its effects, and the importance of testing for its presence.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic that was initially developed for medical use. It induces a trance-like state and analgesia, making it suitable for surgical procedures. However, due to its hallucinogenic effects, ketamine has become popular as a party drug, often used in clubs and at music festivals.

The Effects of Ketamine

When taken recreationally, ketamine can cause hallucinations, a sense of detachment from one’s body or surroundings, and altered perceptions of time and space. Some users report experiencing a “K-hole,” an intense dissociative state that can be both euphoric and disorienting. However, ketamine abuse can lead to numerous physical and psychological health risks.

Testing for Ketamine

Testing for ketamine is crucial for various reasons:

  • Workplace Safety: Employers need to ensure a safe working environment for their employees. Implementing testing can help identify individuals who may pose a risk due to impairment or drug misuse.


  • Drug Rehabilitation: For individuals undergoing drug rehabilitation programs, regular testing is necessary to monitor their progress and prevent possible relapses.


  • Legal Compliance: In certain industries, adherence to drug-free policies is a legal requirement. Testing ensures compliance with regulations, mitigating legal risks for organisations.

Testing Options Provided by Screen4

Screen4 offers reliable and efficient testing options for ketamine detection. Here are the three primary testing methods:

  • Oral Fluid Testing: This non-invasive method allows for quick and easy sample collection. Ketamine and its metabolites can be detected shortly after ingestion, making oral fluid testing a reliable option for detecting recent use.


  • Urine Testing: A common and cost-effective option for detecting recent ketamine use. By screening urine samples, Screen4 can provide rapid results, making it an ideal choice for workplace drug testing programs. Samples that show as a non-negative would be then sent back to the laboratory for further analysis and to confirm the result.


  • Hair Testing: With hair testing, ketamine use can be detected over an extended period. As ketamine metabolites become embedded in the hair shaft, this method offers a comprehensive overview of an individual’s drug history.

At Screen4, we understand the evolving landscape of drug abuse and the importance of accurate testing. Our range of testing options ensures you receive reliable results tailored to your specific needs.

By implementing testing protocols, organisations can safeguard their workplaces, support employee well-being, and create a drug-free environment.

Contact us today to discuss your ketamine testing requirements and take a proactive step towards a safer future.

If you or someone you know is experiencing issues with Ketamine please visit the FRANK website : https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/ketamine

Any scheduled test events should have been cancelled and clients advised accordingly of the situation. If this is NOT the case, or you need further clarification then please email operations@screen4.org or call +44 1226 654654.Please note that this does NOT affect operations in Dubai, Bahrain or Hong Kong which are operating as normal.
We thank you for your understanding and patience.
Please be advised that due to operational reasons, Screen4 Yorkshire Limited is currently unable to carry out any testing services at this time.URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT