Screen4 and Trade Unions Working Together to Promote Positive Perception of Testing

14:46 19 April in News

In the realm of drug and alcohol testing, partnerships and collaborations are instrumental in influencing the perception of these processes. A notable collaboration making a positive impact is the partnership between Screen4 Limited and trade unions. Together, we strive to enhance understanding and foster a more favourable view of drug and alcohol testing across various industries. This blog delves into the reasons behind this collaboration, the role of trade unions, and the efforts taken to promote a positive perception of testing.

The Role of Trade Unions:

In the realm of drug and alcohol testing, partnerships and collaborations are instrumental in influencing the perception of these processes. A notable collaboration making a positive impact is the partnership between Screen4 Limited and trade unions. Together, we strive to enhance understanding and foster a more favourable view of drug and alcohol testing across various industries. This blog delves into the reasons behind this collaboration, the role of trade unions, and the efforts taken to promote a positive perception of testing.

Breaking the Stigma:

Drug and alcohol testing have often been stigmatised, with some viewing it as invasive or intrusive. In response to this, Screen4 and trade unions have united forces to educate workers and employers on the significance of testing in industries like aviation, transportation, and manufacturing. Through active engagement with trade unions, Screen4 aims to reshape the narrative surrounding testing, emphasising its role in bolstering safety, productivity, and employee well-being.

Educational Initiatives and Awareness:

A key strategy employed by Screen4 involves providing educational resources and conducting training sessions. These initiatives aim to equip trade union representatives with a comprehensive understanding of drug and alcohol testing protocols, legal frameworks, and the benefits it brings to the workforce. By empowering union representatives, Screen4 intends to create advocates who can effectively communicate the value of testing to their members.

Collaborative Policy Development:

Screen4 acknowledges the significance of involving trade unions in the development of drug and alcohol testing policies. By incorporating their perspectives and insights, the resultant policies are more likely to be fair, practical, and well-received by the workforce. This collaborative approach helps cultivate trust between employers, unions, and employees, fostering a culture of transparency and mutual understanding.

Continued Collaboration:

The collaboration between Screen4 and trade unions is an ongoing commitment, characterised by regular meetings and discussions to address emerging issues and refine testing practices. By upholding open communication and seeking continuous input from trade unions, Screen4 ensures that their testing services stay updated, relevant, and aligned with the evolving needs of the workforce.

Lets collaborate, contact us today:

Any scheduled test events should have been cancelled and clients advised accordingly of the situation. If this is NOT the case, or you need further clarification then please email or call +44 1226 654654.Please note that this does NOT affect operations in Dubai, Bahrain or Hong Kong which are operating as normal.
We thank you for your understanding and patience.
Please be advised that due to operational reasons, Screen4 Yorkshire Limited is currently unable to carry out any testing services at this time.URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT